
#214 Meet Ryan: Talking About Vulnerability, Weight Loss, Emotional Trauma, Dating and Human Design

Season #7

As the new Head of Health and Wellness for The Manifestor Community, I thought this would be a great opportunity to share about me in a very deep, vulnerable way. I share 3 of my journeys that I felt you may most want to know about me.


My journeys I go into were: My weight gain/weight loss journey, how my tough childhood that affected my insecurities in adult dating and finally, my Human Design Journey.

Learn more about Ryan


I'm a 2/4 Splenic Manifestor here to initiate growth minded people into an aligned life and business that starts from a place of self love and internal wellness. I'm a Certified Life & Wellness Coach with 700+ hrs experience with over 100 clients from solopreneurs to corporate executives. I’m a Certified Business Consultant (Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma) with 14 years experience saving businesses 1,000's of hours, $100,000's in cost and massively reducing stress for business owners. I especially love working with service based businesses like Coaches, Healers, Therapists and others that feel passionate about their work.


Connect with Ryan on Instagram

@ryanspencecoaching and feel free to share with me in my DMs on what inspired you.


Interested in Changing your Habits, The Manifestor Way:

If you’re interested in changing your habits like I did, check out The Manifestor’s Guide to Healthy Habits on The Manifestor Community’s Website!


Interested 1 on 1 work with Ryan:

If you’re interested in finally taking the action towards your goals of getting healthier, helping your business be more cost and time efficient or reducing your stress anywhere in your life; you can find me on The Coaching Academy with The Manifestor Community’s website.