
#155: Manifestor Insights with Dayluna

Season #3

It is no secret around here that the beautiful Projectors who run @d.a.y.l.u.n.a (Dana and Shayna) played a pivotal role in my journey to alignment as a Manifestor and ultimately, led to the Creative Urge that birthed The Manifestor Community. It is always my deepest pleasure to bring their voices onto the podcast and this episode is no exception.

Tune in as we swim in the deep ocean of Manifestor love and adoration. We talk about all things Manifestor - from what it feels like to be initiated by a Manifestor, why other types need us to inform, why Manifestors need to follow their urges, how transformational it is for us to allow rest - and so much more. Every minute is worth listening to and you’ll leave this episode feeling loved, respected and seen.

Dayluna - @d.a.y.l.u.n.a