
9. First Australians: Unpacking Australia's Gruesome History of Racism and How You Can Make a Difference

Season #1 Episode #9

In this Episode of Hunting for Purpose, I’m taking you through a brief recap of Australia’s history with Racism and undermining the Indigenous People who have been oppressed for hundreds of years! The Black Lives Matter Movement has erupted in the US and caused millions of people to band together for the cause. As a White Australian, I was shocked and angered to learn the deep, systemic racism on which Australia is built and the lies we’re being told about it’s presence in our society. 

This journey has been incredibly HARD, coming to terms with an unpleasant truth is never easy, especially of this intensity and magnitude. I wanted to share all the ways I’ve been learning and educating myself while also to set the stage for the Indigineous People and Indigenous Voices who will be gracing this platform moving forward. 

Racism is alive and the tidal wave of change is here. You are a Spiritual Warrior, this is YOUR war. This is not the time to sit back and do nothing. As a White Ally, now is the time to push the pedal to the metal and raise your voice! Actively Anti-Racism.


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Coach Holly Maree

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