
So you’re a Manifestor, huh? You know…..

You were never actually meant to grow alone, and now it’s time to change that

Join the Informed Book Club!

Take a 12 week guided journey through Informed, all while being surrounded by the wisdom of other Manifestors. 

Make lifelong Manifestor friends.

Unpack deeper truths from Informed.

Deepen your relationship to your Manifestor self.

 Or…..just have fun!


An Informed Book Club pass will give you:

  • The Informed Book Club Guide with a 12 week break down of which chapter to read, group activities and suggested questions for book club meetups
  • Access to the Informed Book Club Facebook Group where you can find or start your own book club circle
  • An accessible investment of $9.95AUD
  • The book club does not include a copy of Informed or the Get Informed journal. These will need to be purchased separately.
  • Access to commence your book club journey will close on August 4th, 2024

So, how exactly does this work? 

It would be crazy if we did a book club the way everyone else does, right? We’re Manifestors!

So the Informed Book Club is running differently from how you might have done other book clubs. We’re giving you the reins to make connections with Manifestors everywhere, but you get to decide how you do that.


Here is what you need to know:

  1. The Informed book club and the Get Informed journal are designed to be used either together or separately. You choose what works for you. It’s in the Manifestor style, of course. So, choose whether you want to join a book club circle and use the journal alongside the journey, OR choose if you want just the book club with no journal, OR choose just the journal for your own journey through the Informed book. Three choices. Three ways.
  2. The Informed Book Club is a 12 week commitment that has a provided overview weekly meetings. This overview guide will give you (and your book club circle) a weekly break-down of which chapter to read, group activities and suggested questions for book club meetups. For your $9.95AUD, you are paying for access to that book club guide and to the book club Facebook group where you can find your book club circle. That’s the next step here
  3. How do you find your book club circle? We’re on top of that. Your purchase will get you access to an Informed Book Club Facebook Group where you can post to find other people to build a circle with, or use the search feature to find a circle that is right for you. You will all be able to arrange your own groups, choosing from geographic location, in person meet ups, digital meetups, by language or by even by your Human Design.
  4. Don’t worry, the guide you receive will cover the steps you need to take to find and arrange your own group so you don’t have to memorise this process right now.

Already know you want the journal too?

We love a Manifestor who knows what they want!


Get the journal here!

You might get a surprise guest! 

You can request for me or one of my team to drop into one of your Book Club meetups!

Digitally or in person! 



Our team is based all over the world, so between us, travel is a possibility, but that also means we’re in heaps of different time zones and we would love nothing more than to pop into your book club meeting and share some Informed excitement with you all.


All you need to do is buy your book club pass, and fill out the request form in your portal!

We can’t guarantee that someone will be able to attend, but we will do our best! You never know….I might just pop over to Germany for a fun little gathering! Or arrive suddenly in your zoom call!

We’re not hanging around forever!

Access to commence your book club journey will close on August 4th, 2024. Due to the complex nature of trying to gather a world full of Manifestors and helping them arrange groups to take a 12 week journey together, we need to have a cut off date to ensure everyone who wants a group, gets a group. 


After August 4th, there will be NO ACCESS to joining the Informed Book Club.