You could get teaching from one Manifestor expert

Or you could get 10 teachings from 10 experts.

Your call.

10 Human Design teachers.

10 Manifestor-focused teachings from audios to videos to 5 day challenges.

World leading Human Design experts bringing their voices together to teach you 10 different things about what you need to know to become an incredible Manifestor.


All for $199USD.

Available strictly from August 28th to September 17th (Australian dates!).










What’s a HD Bundle?

I’m so glad you asked.


I gathered a bunch of my Human Design industry friends, used my 4th line network, and brought together some of the biggest, wisest voices (in my opinion) in Human Design when it comes to Manifestors.

The truth is, you don’t just need my perspective and my wisdom to grow as a Manifestor. You will get so much value out of hearing the wisdom and insight of every contributor to this bundle. A bunch of them are highly successful Manifestors themselves. And they’ve made special teachings for you that cover informing, anger, alignment, emotions, career success, wealth, trauma and way way more.

This is the single greatest resource of 2024 in this community.

Want to know exactly what is inside??

Let’s see.


A 30 minute video teaching on being aligned as a Manifestor, from the powerhouse Projectors at Dayluna.


Here at Dayluna, a company led by two Projectors, we have so often observed Manifestor content in the Human Design space that feels harsh, judgmental, or just downright incorrect. Because of that, we have developed a strong passion over the years for providing empowering Manifestor content that feels more supportive for the lived experience of our Manifestor clients. In this Manifestor Masterclass video, we discuss the daily practices that can facilitate powerful shifts in your life and demystify the aspects of your design that might feel confusing or difficult to embrace.

A 35 minute guided audio on regulating your Manifestor anger, from the prodigy Eden Carpenter.


This podcast style episode discusses the physiology of anger, and nervous system regulation techniques specifically for manifestors. In this episode, the intention is to help manifestors understand what is happening when anger is present and how they can support their nervous system in the moment in order to find peace and clarity. Every aura type experiences unique energy patterns, manifestors have a highly powerful emotional pattern involving anger and when directed with intention this can fuel transformation and initiations on a global scale. A few simple regulation tools can support any Manifestor in finding clarity in the moments when energy is high so that they can hear their intuition and take intentional, and powerful, action towards the most peaceful outcome. There is a short meditation / hypnosis / visualization audio as well that can be used to co-regulate in the moments that anger arises.

An in depth video teaching about accumulating wealth as a Manifestor, from the remarkable Chrys Kyng.


It’s time to reclaim your royalty and your rightful place as the divine channel of the collective super-conscious mind! I’m Chrys Kyng and I’ve helped thousands recognize their worth and remember who the f#%k they are and as an Ego Manifestor, I’m passionate about assisting other Manifestors break the cycle of burn out, tap out of the matrix and hold massive amounts of wealth… while never sacrificing your rest! The time is now to reclaim your throne and be the divine spark (or supernova) that you are!

A 60 minute video on nourishing your rest cycle with your moon sign, from the gorgeously Amy Lea.


In this 60-minute video masterclass, you will learn about the importance of your Moon sign and how you can harness these conscious and uncoscious placements to deeply support, nourish and feed your spirit during your Manifestor rest cycles. Your Moon sign describes your inner most self, what you need and ways that you are here to be sated by life. When you understand how to nourish your personality and body in this way, you can let go of the guilt or expectations about how rest is 'supposed' to look and instead prioritise doing what is truly nourishing for you. This masterclass will add a deeper layer of nuance to your experience as a Manifestor and empower you with the knowledge to more deeply support yourself and your seasonality.

A 25 minute audio teaching on mastering the technique of informing, from our community favourite Vaness Henry.


The Manifestor is the only design type in the Human Design system with a strategy AND technique. Manifestors are designed to initiate, but the technique of informing helps disarm those around to create the pathway for an initiation to more readily and effectively come through. Each Manifestor has their own style of informing — finding yours is impactful, expansive, and fun. Listen to the Art of Informing by Vaness Henry to connect with your style of informing and begin playing with this technique in your every day life.

A downloadable pdf and video teaching using key gates for business success, from our community-born queen Taye Dee.


The Key Gates For Business Video Guide is packed with written summaries of all the key Gate placements in business and links to deep dive vids with my juicy top biz hacks - the ones that took me from zero sales, to multiple businesses turning consistent profit (…totally supporting my "Forget You Corporate" alt lifestyle!) This is ALL the biz info you need to ignite your empire. There's even bonus access to a free guide that translates all 64 Gates into business friendly terms (ahhh finally!!) so you can fan that flame in your biz straight away and get the true depth of your work into the hands of those who need it most.

A 2 hour masterclass teaching on using the power of your emotional center, from the deep wisdom of Katie Irvine.


Unlock the power of your emotions with our in-depth masterclass on the Emotional Solar Plexus in Human Design. Whether you have this center defined or not, understanding its influence is key to mastering your emotional landscape. Dive deep into the patterns of your emotional waves, learn how to harness emotional energy, and discover practical tools to navigate your emotional world with clarity and confidence. For Manifestors, this knowledge is invaluable: it offers a clear roadmap to leverage your emotional authority, allowing you to make decisions that align with your true self and create impact with conviction. Join us and gain the insight you need to lead with your emotions, not be led by them.

A 5 day guided challenge that gives you access to using your Manifestor energy in your workplace, from the  beautiful Alexandra Cole.


A manifestor's next creation is only as powerful as the rest that preceded it. Rest is critical for manifestor's to thrive, but it rarely gets the respect it deserves in a world dominated by sacrals. This workbook is designed to help manifestors learn to identify when they need rest and offers simple strategies to prioritize this important component of their lives and creative process.

A deep dive teaching covering how to heal your Manifestor patterns and wounds from being seen and treated as a troublemaker, from our favourite hypnotist Tresa Rivera.


The experience of the Manifestor aura is unlike any other. And one of the key parts of living with a closed, powerful, initiating aura, is that the Manifestor often finds themselves being targeted as a troublemaker with some nefarious agenda, when the Manifestor is merely initiating that which needs to be seen. This teaching covers the psychological implications, the lengths that Manifestors go through when we are treated as troublemakers, and right up to how people pleasing wounds arise as a result of these experiences. These are unconscious fears that show up in everything we do and say as Manifestors, resulting in us constantly monitoring ourselves and others for any sign of trouble. This is a powerful teaching that will unearth an awareness around your Manifestor experience that is lifechanging.

A 75 minute video teaching from Holly (me!) on understanding your Manifestor trauma.


Knowing that you have trauma is only one slice of the pie when it comes to trauma healing. And when you are a Manifestor too, the journey becomes even more complicated. Join me in this video teaching as I show you what trauma actually is, what is happening in your body when you experience trauma, what it means to have Manifestor trauma, and all the ways that are most supportive to begin the journey of healing it so you can step into your freedom as a powerful Manifestor.

All of these teachers worked together to make a gift for you. Exclusively for Manifestors. It is a love offering to our community from the Human Design world.


And it’s yours for $199USD until September 17th.


Yeah, but why?

As a Manifestor, collaboration can be hard. First there is the fear that you’ll be controlled or that the other person will steal your urge and use it for themselves (my god, this happens way too often to be ignored!). Second, there is the fact that others struggle to let the Manifestor initiate the direction forward orrrrr they expect the Manifestor to initiate the whole thing while they lean back and reap the benefits. And third, the informing part alone can be exhausting. Collaboration requires so much informing, and which Manifestor naturally feels on board with doing that?!

I went through a mammoth healing around relationships last year, and part of that was seeing how much wounding and fear existed on my 4 line profile, and working my little Manifestor toosh off to heal that. 2023 is not a year I want to be repeating any time soon. But one of the beautiful things that came out of it is that I feel so much more space and safety within myself to collaborate with others, to initiate others into working with me and this community, and to sharing my energy into projects where many wise teachers can come together.

I’ve focused on collaboration in 2024. We’ve done collaboration on the podcast, in a series of new masterclasses, a freebie collaboration and even collaborations within our team. But I’ve saved the big kahuna for now. It’s the biggest stretch I’ve done in terms of opening up the community and using my energy to connect with other teachers and their resources. 

I’ve put together the HD Bundle.


Because this is a 10-fold increase of Manifestor resources.

It’s not just my wisdom, it’s the combined wisdom of 10 experts.

It is millions of hours of learning from each of us, refined down into digestible resources that you can take and use.


Simply, by collaborating at this scale, I can bring you more of what you need.


Shayna Cornelius and Dana Stiles are Human Design experts, best-selling authors, and co-founders of DayLuna. They are on a mission to empower the collective towards self-love, personal freedom, and radical authenticity. They dive deep into topics such as self-purpose, conscious entrepreneurship, spirituality and the new paradigm on their podcast, The DayLuna Human Design Podcast, with over 2 million downloads worldwide.


Eden Carpenter is a Master of Human Design with a unique talent for making the sometimes mechanical or dense or disempowering language fun, playful, and delightfully effective. With a background as a nurse, Eden brings an a grounded approach to experimenting with human design in practical and gamified ways. She is known for her ability to reframe just about anything, advocating for intuitive decision making, emotional and nervous system regulation skills, and adding a splash of magic to the process of unmasking your authentic self in our very human world.


I’m a Shamanic Healer, Medicine Alchemist, Business Mentor and Spiritual Teacher and I help awakened souls and spiritual entrepreneurs tap out of the matrix by healing themselves and ascending into their dream life.


Amy is an astrologer, human design coach, and business mentor who helps creatives and leaders align with their most enriching version of success - without the hustle and burnout. She is pioneering a movement of Coherence over Hustle, in which she takes a body-led approach to business supported by her education in somatic therapies and the nervous system. She is also the host of the podcast Unreasonable with Amy Lea, where she shares conversations and ideas for living your most unreasonable and extraordinary life. Amy is a quad right 5/1 Splenic Projector with channels of Acceptance, Awakening, Struggle and Correction.


Vaness Henry is a Journalist, Shamanic Practitioner, and Healer. She explores evolved body care by identifying afflictions in the body’s energy field that may lead to illness or dis-ease. As a childhood cancer survivor with a history in educational and motivational speaking, Vaness is known for heartfelt, impactful insights in the fields of Human Design, Feng Shui and the Shamanic Arts. She is an author, producer, and parent.


Wealth Creator, Change Igniter and Unconventional Strategist - Taye Dee's passion is to help Manifestors use Human Design in their business to go from sacral exhaustion to peaceful profitability. Alchemising traditional business strategy with energetic systems, spiritual tools and mindset hacks, she loves to give a holistic approach to running your empire. Rejecting the conventions that hustle, hard work or stress ever needs to be part of your wealth journey; she's on a mission to ignite female entrepreneurs into making that vision a reality.


Katie is a Human Design guide and teacher from Toronto, Canada. She's the founder of Sort of Spiritual and creator of HD School, an online program that teaches the Human Design system in a way that's easy to understand. Human Design has completely transformed her life and she's on a mission to help others understand and align with their true selves. She's a 2/4 emotional Manifestor, RAX of Rulership. Gemini Sun, Aries Moon, Virgo Rising.


Alexandra is a former corporate consultant turned Human Design coach. After a decade of helping Fortune 500s identify and articulate their “why”, she pivoted to help individuals, families and couples do the same. She uses Human Design as a tool to help her clients pursue their purpose with more clarity and confidence. Alexandra is passionate about translating insights from her clients' Human Design charts into actionable strategies for optimizing their relationships, well-being, careers, finances, and family life.


Hypnotherapist with The American Board of Hypnotherapy and a Trained Human Design Analyst. Mother of 3, autism mom and passionate about supporting the Human Design experiment with healing through Hypnotherapy


Holly Maree is a spiritual teacher and the leading industry expert on Manifestors (Human Design). She teaches an alternative narrative of success for those who don't follow the rules. She teaches Human Design, Gene Keys and a host of other energetic tools to the only online community exclusively for Manifestors.