Manifestor Freebies

Manifestors Guide to Creative Urges
Are you a Manifestor longing to unleash the full force of your Creative Urges? Dive into the transformative world of the Manifestors Guide To Creative Urges—your roadmap to mastering and expressing your Creative Urges like never before.

Manifestors Guide to Business
This comprehensive guide for getting aligned as a Manifestor in business will get you moving in exactly the right direction. We take you through offer creation, social media, managing your energy cycles and a heap more. Simply sign up, score the download and start learning.

Manifestors Guide to Money
Money is a struggle for most people, but Manifestors have to face our money in truly uncommon ways. In this detailed 5 chapter download you’ll discover how to create money opportunities by initiating, how to use your Manifestor energy cycle to generate money while you rest and how to work with your closed aura.

Manifestors Guide to Rest Cycles
Are you a Manifestor who feels unstoppable one day and utterly drained the next? That’s probably your Manifestor rest cycle and you’re not alone in living it! This free guide is here to help you understand and embrace the unique power of your Manifestor rest cycles.

Manifestors Guide to Creative Cycles
Are you a Manifestor wondering why you experience sudden bursts of unstoppable creative energy that push you to build new things at an almost superhero rate? Only to find it fades just as quickly, and you’re left wondering what you did to make it end?These are your Manifestor Creative Cycles and we promise, it’s normal! This free guide will help you understand—and harness—your unique creative cycles like never before.

Manifestors Guide to Informing
Are you a Manifestor struggling to understand and effectively use informing? You're not alone—and this free guide is here to help. We are giving you the building blocks (for free) to start the journey of unlocking informing. Because it’s way more than an annoying strategy that slows you down, we promise.

Manifestor Guide to Authorities
This free resource is a combination of a detailed guide and a collection of three audio teachings, one for each Manifestor authority. These audios are taught to you by Manifestors who hold that authority and have experienced great mastery in it. Think of this guide as the foundational knowledge, and the audios as the embodied application. We want every Manifestor understand themselves more deeply, but as a community we are also committed to Manifestors being empowered to make correct choices for themselves, especially when it comes to investing and buying. So, that is what this freebie is here for.
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