
Welcome to our range of Manifestor specific courses!

Here at The Manifestor Community, we do our products a little differently. Each course is either Informative or Integrative.

Informative products:

These are focused only on teaching you the foundational knowledge. They offer reframes on language, bring you concepts you haven’t seen, teach you labels and tools that can provide understanding of yourself. 

These products do not offer a way to apply this knowledge or guide you in using it to shift your lived experience. As such, they are lower priced and more easily accessible both energetically and financially.

Integrative products:

These are about deep, nuanced, complex learning that encompasses a wide scope of learning. They offer insights, wisdom, full frame conceptual learning and a variety of supportive tools to allow for integration. These tools can be chart readings, sessions, group calls, etc. 

These products do not offer shortcuts to learning or bite sized teaching. They are designed for depth, contemplation, dedication to self healing and integrative support. As such, they are higher priced and require more investment to access both energetically and financially. 

For a highly personalized integrative product, please look at booking a chart reading.


We want to empower you to choose the path that is right for YOU.

Where is your Manifestor journey at?

The New Manifestors Journey

Deepening the Manifestor Journey

Entrepreneur Manifestor Journey

The New Manifestors Journey

Informed - the book

Everything you need to know about being a Manifestor and living in alignment with your energy is covered in this comprehensive guide, even including dominating business and social media with your Manifestor boldness. As the first and only book in the world specifically for Manifestors (and written by a Manifestor), you will learn how to harness your initiating spirit, how you are wired to make correct decisions, how to honour your throat, your energy cycles and your wild urges.

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Manifestor Blueprints

Ready for a Manifestor chart reading?

This is fully personal and unique to guide you through your Manifestor Human Design. Over 50+ pages of your chart, delivered digitally to your inbox in 10 business days.

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Book a Reading 

Never had a chart reading or just want one from a Manifestor who is guaranteed to understand you? We get it. Select from one of our in-house certified Human Design Readers to get a chart reading like you have never experienced. Chart readings by Manifestors and for Manifestors!

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Free Manifestors Guide to Creative Urges 

Are you a Manifestor longing to unleash the full force of your Creative Urges? Dive into the transformative world of the Manifestors Guide To Creative Urges—your roadmap to mastering and expressing your Creative Urges like never before.

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Free Manifestors Guide to Rest Cycles

Are you a Manifestor who feels unstoppable one day and utterly drained the next? That’s probably your Manifestor rest cycle and you’re not alone in living it! This free guide is here to help you understand and embrace the unique power of your Manifestor rest cycles.

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Free Manifestors Guide to Creative Cycles 

Are you a Manifestor wondering why you experience sudden bursts of unstoppable creative energy that push you to build new things at an almost superhero rate? Only to find it fades just as quickly, and you’re left wondering what you did to make it end?These are your Manifestor Creative Cycles and we promise, it’s normal! This free guide will help you understand—and harness—your unique creative cycles like never before.

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Free Manifestors Guide to Informing 

Are you a Manifestor struggling to understand and effectively use informing? You're not alone—and this free guide is here to help. We are giving you the building blocks (for free) to start the journey of unlocking informing. Because it’s way more than an annoying strategy that slows you down, we promise. 

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Free Manifestor Guide to Authorities

This free resource is a combination of a detailed guide and a collection of three audio teachings, one for each Manifestor authority. These audios are taught to you by Manifestors who hold that authority and have experienced great mastery in it. Think of this guide as the foundational knowledge, and the audios as the embodied application. We want every Manifestor understand themselves more deeply, but as a community we are also committed to Manifestors being empowered to make correct choices for themselves, especially when it comes to investing and buying. So, that is what this freebie is here for.

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Free Manifestors Guide to Money

Money is a struggle for most people, but Manifestors have to face our money in truly uncommon ways. In this detailed 5 chapter download you’ll discover how to create money opportunities by initiating, how to use your Manifestor energy cycle to generate money while you rest and how to work with your closed aura.

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Deepening the Manifestor Journey

Masterclass Library

 Welcome to the home of all of our bite-sized Manifestor learning! These masterclasses are always available and are designed to give you foundational knowledge about the Manifestor experience. But more importantly, everything taught in these masterclasses is focused on integration.  We teach you how to live in alignment as a Manifestor, not just the theory.

Dive into a topic that lights you up or choose one of our curated Collections to super-charge your learning. The choice is yours. 

The library gets new masterclasses added over time, so make sure to come back and check when we drop something fresh.

Check out the Library

Manifestor Money Moguls

When you are ready to go all in on your money experience as a Manifestor, you are going to need a roadmap. Which is precisely what Manifestor Money Moguls provides. This is a self-paced course with regular live support. 

The course includes:
- An 8-part video teaching series on Manifestors and Money (plus bonus teachings)
- A Custom personalized Money Map built from your Human Design
- A Money Breakthrough Hypnosis Track 
- A Releasing Money Fears Tapping Video 
- A Releasing Somatic Money Fears Video 
- Quantum Money sessions
- Plus way more….

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The Entrepreneur Manifestor Journey

Free Manifestors Guide to Business

This comprehensive guide for getting aligned as a Manifestor in business will get you moving in exactly the right direction. We take you through offer creation, social media, managing your energy cycles and a heap more. Simply sign up, score the download and start learning.

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Manifestor Mastery Program and Optional Advanced Certification


This  Manifestor-focused program is the only detailed, intensive teaching that brings you the whole Human Design and Gene Keys system PLUS a specialty foundation on Manifestors. If you want to skip the queue and head straight to mastery when it comes to your Manifestor journey, this program is the only place to do that. Choose to join for your own journey at the Program level, or step up to the Certification level where you will leave as a fully certified Human Design and Gene Keys reader/teacher (that has a specialty qualification in Manifestors). Our certification students also go on to become paid chart readers to our audience. That is an investment made back straight away.

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