What to do when people in your life don't like Human Design

You probably have a few of those weird people in your life. You know – the ones that don’t like Human Design [I mean, I don’t get it, but each to their own!] I wanted to talk about this because as Manifestors in particular, the discovery of Human Design provides us with a framework and language to deeply understand ourselves. We start to receive all this validation and confirmation of what we’ve always known deep down, and immediately we want to share it with other people.
We start wondering how to casually bring this up in conversations, as well as the question: how soon is too soon to ask them for their birth details??
Because the more we learn, the more helpful it becomes for understanding our unique purpose as initiators, what we need to do, the way we operate and how it’s so different from other types.
We can say “I’m informing you” or “I’m in a creative cycle” or “I want to initiate things” whereas before the things we felt or sensed weren’t modelled or validated by others.
I think that this is one of the reasons why this online community of Manifestors has grown so quickly because it’s a space where we are all using the same language, where we can see positive reflections of our own energy, and where we can learn more about ourselves in a space that feels easy and effortless.
But when we’re in the “normal” world, we have families, friends, neighbours and colleagues in our social circle who don’t know Human Design, or who may even be resistant to Human design.
In my personal journey with Human Design, I initially felt pretty limited. I had this new language to describe myself and to help others know me more deeply and it was important for me to understand the energy of other people around me. I wanted to know where I had Generators and Manifesting Generators and Projectors around me so I knew how to interact with them, or where I might be taking on sacral conditioning.
I never actually set out to know how many Manifestors were around me, and I was so surprised to learn that my son, father, late grandmother and my best friend are all Manifestors too.
So how can we start to deal with the people in our lives who don’t want to come to the Human Design party? Here are my tips for kicking off the conversation:
You light the match to start the fire within the collective so that all the rest can join in. So if you want to talk about Human Design in your social groups, and be surrounded by people who understand you, initiate it! Start talking about it, and speaking about yourself through the lens of Human Design.
One of the most powerful and easy ways for Manifestors to get what they want is to inform. If you’ve tried initiating conversations in your immediate social group, inform the universe that you want people in your life who understand Human Design.
Whether it’s your girlfriend, boyfriend, mother, brother, sister, father, grandmother, friends – you get to create that Mani. Open that big beautiful throat up and tell the universe that’s what you want. Trust me – the universe is excited to create that for you!
My husband is not into spiritual stuff at all, and after two years of studying Human Design I had to tell him how important it was for me that he also got on board. It was becoming integral to the way I was showing up as a wife and mother, and after he understood this, he got on board.
Now he understands the language, we can talk about our kids and I can inform him of when I’m in a rest cycle, or when I’m initiating things. It’s created so much more ease in our relationship and our family but it wasn’t something that naturally happened. I had to initiate it.
Just because we understand Human Design, doesn’t mean we always have to use the language. It’s helpful, but the truth that we uncover through Human Design is not limited to the language of Human Design.
For example, instead of saying “I’m feeling really excited about initiating my latest creative urge” you could simply say “I’ve got this great idea and I’m
really excited about creating it”.
It can be scary to go first, Mani. I sometimes felt I was being a bit pushy asking for people’s birth details, but the truth is you’re helping other people to understand themselves too. Just think about how powerful it was for you when you had all the amazing things about yourself reflected back to you when you learned Human Design?
And who knows...it may just initiate your whole social circle into deeply understanding themselves.
Here’s your challenge: share with someone new to HD about their design without using Human Design language and see what happens...I dare you Mani!