How to effectively sell in your business as a Manifestor

I could do a whole series of blog posts on this topic, because there are truly so many layers and influences in our chart that impact how we sell in our business.
This article will go into some of the ways we are conditioned to sell, and why this doesn’t work for Mani’s before going into some strategies that I’ve found to work well with Manifestor energy.
Sacral Conditioning and Selling
Because sacral beings (our beloved Generators and Manifesting Generators) make up the majority of the population, much of what we learn via osmosis about selling is RESPONDING.
Because this is the generator way! How many times have you heard:
“Get people into DMs”
“Do sales and discovery calls”
“Listen to what people need during the launch”
“Do last minute sales”
For Generators and Manifesting Generators, it's always about responding to the energy and experience around them because this is what lights them up and draws people to them.
Customers respond and buy because they receive their energy, and with that big sacral motor energy driving them, it's easy for Generators and Man-Gens to reach people and engage responsively.
But Manifestors are not designed to be responsive. We live behind a closed aura, and therefore our sales cannot be based on strategies of responding, going out there, and being available for customers.
When they are, it leaves us feeling exhausted and triggered into our not-self-theme. And depending on what your defined and undefined energy centres are, it's going to trigger particular shadows and conditioning.
Just by trying to behave like generators and be responsive, we trigger ourselves into an avalanche of limiting beliefs and conditioning that derails their entire process, blocking us from properly initiating and then properly receiving money for our initiations.
Your undefined centres
If you have an undefined ego centre, selling will trigger a lot of conditioning around value and worth.
If you have an undefined G centre, selling will trigger feelings of inadequacy such as “Am I good enough?” and “ I need to be more than I am”.
If you have an undefined root centre, selling will trigger you to think you need to push harder, work harder, take more action and do more things to make this successful.
If you have an undefined emotional centre, this is going to express itself with the need to ensure that everyone is happy and trying to fix everyone's emotional state. You will also feel the intensity of everyone's emotions around you through their confusion, fear, indecision, happiness and joy...but remember: it’s not your responsibility to manage that.
If you have an undefined spleen, you are going to be pummeled with fear and doubt. Remember that it's not yours, and find ways to energetically shift out of it.
If you have an undefined head or ajna centre, selling will trigger that place of feeling like you need to find all the answers or the belief that you just need to find the right system or strategy to make it perfect.
How to sell like a Manifestor
Selling as a Manifestor is about being completely unapologetic about who you are.
You’re not here to sell to everyone, which means you don’t need to justify yourself to anyone, or try to convince everyone your product is amazing.
Your closed aura will be magnetic to the people who are ready for your initiation, and repel the people you don't. All you need to do is fully stand behind what you are selling, open your voice and inform people what it is, why they might need it, and that it's available.
As a Manifestor, you’re not going to sell like everyone else. While selling feels vulnerable for everyone, you’re going to have the added layer of doubt and uncertainty because what you initiate, and how you sell it, won’t be like everyone else.
The bad news is: there isn’t a particular strategy or system that will work for you if it's based on responding.
The good news: You don’t need complex, in-depth sales pages and funnels (unless they feel good to you) because your power lies in INFORMING and using the magnetic quality of your voice to inform your audience about what you are creating and initiating.
Of course, you need to do the work to make it available for purchase and let them come to you but this is the core of it.
I get it. Selling is scary. And perhaps what you’re reading feels over-simplified.
I certainly thought this at the beginning, but now I am on the other side of that and have allowed this to be the way I sell and I now have so much evidence and experience of how it does work as a Manifestor.
If you’re at that place where it seems like a fantasy or it's “too simple”, I invite you to question why you feel like it needs to be complicated, and what the pay off of believing this might be.
And just start experimenting with it. Initiate something in your business, and sell just by informing.
Lean into trust. Inform. Use your magnetic motorized throat and TRUST its going to work out. Tell the universe you want to be financially supported through this experiment, and you won’t accept anything else.
The universe is waiting hands ready, to catch you and the more you align to your Manifestor energy, the easier this selling business will be.
Tell me - what do you find works well when it comes to selling? I’d love to know xx
P.S. Want to know more about how to price in your business as a Manifestor? So many of the strategies we’re taught to do in online business are based on Generator energy and just don’t cut it for us Manis. Whether you’re just starting out in business, dreaming of leaving your job or in a business that just isn’t going the way you thought it would…
You’re going to want to check out the Manifestor Business Bundle!
This digital bundle is designed to provide you with everything you need to start getting into alignment as a Manifestor in business, including offer and content creation, branding, social media, money mindset, manifestation and so much more! Click here to find out more or purchase the Business Bundle.