Hello Manifestor,
We know Manifestor life can be lonely, and your energy can be a bit mystifying. So we made a space to help you with that.
We have been where you are, so we know how to help.
Ever read the content out there for Manifestors and wondered why it doesn’t really land for you? Your closed aura makes it hard for people to read you (don’t worry, we explain the closed aura in our content!) so most of what you are reading is the same old information that everyone uses. We don’t do that around here.
How did The Manifestor Community happen?
It got initiated by a Manifestor, of course.
Back in 2019, Holly Herbig (a 4/6 Splenic Manifestor and founder of The Manifestor Community) was running a 6 figure business as a Spiritual Business Coach. When a huge Rest Cycle hit and she decided to shut down her business and focus on certifying in every modality that excited her, she had no idea that her next Creative Urge was going to become the go-to home for Manifestors.
Holly certified in Human Design and Gene Keys (among many other things) and instead of teaching on the system to all energy types, she followed her impulse to only speak to Manifestors, which meant ostracizing most of the audience she had spent 2 years building. Like all Manifestor Creative Urges, it made no sense, but somehow it exploded into life.
By early 2020, the exclusive online community for Manifestors was born and began magnetizing Manifestors at a rapid pace. Since then, each Creative Urge has birthed a new area of teaching and support for Manifestors, ranging from the basics, to in depth Human Design and all the way into business and entrepreneurship.
The Manifestor Community now supports tens of thousands of Manifestors with the help of a team of people working behind the scenes. It is a place for you to learn, to heal, to contribute and to grow.

What does your journey here look like?
Whatever you want it to. It won’t surprise you to know that we are all about independence and autonomy over here! You get to make your own rules, and we will support you to do just that. Check out our recommended pathways for learning, from New Manifestors to Deepening Manifestors and up to Entrepreneurship, or just take your own path and go where it feels right.
We have a thriving instagram community to love on you, a blog and a podcast to teach you for free, zero cost downloads to push you further in your journey, chart readings to help you see yourself more openly and in depth paid courses for you to expand through.
Explore our courses →
Ready to make it as a Manifestor in business? This comprehensive guide for getting aligned as a Manifestor in business will get you moving in exactly the right direction.
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